South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Williams Place, Spartanburg County (S.C. Sec. Rd. 113, Glenn Springs vicinity)
S1081774203401 S1081774203402 S1081774203403 S1081774203404 S1081774203405
Large House Small House Small House
Dovetail Detail
S1081774203406 S1081774203407 S1081774203408 S1081774203409 S1081774203410
Corn Crib
Log Barn
Frame Barn

The Williams Place is a rural agricultural and residential complex developed between ca. 1839 and ca. 1850 by a farmer, Robert Roger Williams. The property includes ten log-wall buildings and four other buildings and structures associated with the farm. The complex is representative of the diverse aspects of a small, nineteenth century farm in the South Carolina upcountry. The Williams Place is also the most intact collection of log buildings that have been identified in the state. The absence of later development or modernization, together with the heavily forested surroundings and the relative inaccessibility of the area, have provided for an extraordinary degree of historical integrity in the complex. The various log buildings include a small house, a large house, a kitchen, a smokehouse, a smithy, a well, two cribs, a privy, a ruined house, a log barn, a frame barn, a stable and a dam. Those buildings and structures associated with food storage and preparation are located in a close group around the main house. Listed in the National Register November 10, 1982.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.