South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, Orangeburg County (310 Green, Orangeburg)
S1081773802201 S1081773802202
Facade Right Oblique

The Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church is architecturally significant as an early twentieth-century Romanesque Revival style church building whose brick construction and sophisticated design are especially noteworthy as evidence of the dedication of its congregation during a period when few African Americans made more than a basic living. In addition, Mt. Pisgah is historically significant for its association with Nelson C. Nix, pastor of the church for over forty years during the early twentieth century and a very influential member of the African American community through his position as dean of the mathematics department at South Carolina State College. A.W. Thorne, an African American builder, constructed Mt. Pisgah in 1903. The pyramid with cross-gable design of the church, as well as its fenestration detail and very intact interior features make Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church an important example of religious architecture in Orangeburg from the turn of the century. It is a one-story brick church with a square plan and a prominent tower on the south corner. The tower originally had a frame spire, but this was removed prior to 1969. The congregation was organized in 1865 by members of the First Baptist Church of Orangeburg, desiring their own church after Emancipation. Listed in the National Register September 20, 1985.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property. In addition, the Historic Resources of Orangeburg, ca. 1850-ca. 1935 includes historical background information for this and other related National Register properties.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.