South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

East Russell Street Area Historic District, Orangeburg County (Orangeburg)
S1081773801516 S1081773801517 S1081773801518 S1081773801519 S1081773801520
2040 E. Russell St. 121 Dickson St. 126 Dickson St. 132 Dickson St. 146 Dickson St.
S1081773801521 S1081773801522 S1081773801523 S1081773801524 S1081773801525
165 Dickson St. 166 Dickson St. 172 Dickson St. 981 Whitman St. 955 Whitman St.
S1081773801526 S1081773801527 S1081773801528 S1081773801529 S1081773801530
921 Whitman St. 895 Whitman St. Judge Izard House
841 Whitman St.
Judge Izard House
821 Whitman St.
781 Whitman St.

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The East Russell Street Historic District is a basically intact residential neighborhood with a wide range of architectural types (including Victorian, Colonial Revival, and Bungalow) and socio-economic levels within a small area. The district is a collection of substantial one- and two-story brick and frame houses, and a number of modest one-story frame houses. The houses were constructed between ca. 1850 and ca. 1930, with the majority being built between ca. 1890 and ca. 1925. The district contains approximately fifty-five contributing resources. The pattern of neighborhood growth in the district is typical of the Orangeburg’s residential areas, with the more affluent white citizens building larger houses along the primary streets, and less affluent African Americans living in close proximity, in more modest houses along the side streets. The African American residents of this neighborhood generally worked in a service capacity; they were laundresses, drivers, and house servants. Listed in the National Register September 20, 1985.

Most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. The privacy of owners should be respected. Not all properties retain the same integrity as when originally documented and listed in the National Register due to changes and modifications over time.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.