South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Southern Railway Depot, Lexington County (Perry & Wilson Sts., Batesburg)
S1081773203301 S1081773203302 S1081773203303 S1081773203304 S1081773203305
Facade Right Elevation Left Oblique Left Elevation Eave Detail

(Batesburg Boy Scout Hut) The Southern Railway Depot was built in ca. 1900 to serve Batesburg’s rail transportation. This railroad traffic was a key factor in the growth of the town of Batesburg in the early twentieth century. The building was acquired by the Batesburg Woman’s Club in the late 1950s to prevent demolition. It was relocated from its original location ca. 1960 to its present site in a residential neighborhood, thereafter used as a meeting place for local Boy Scouts. The depot is a one-story weatherboarded frame building with a bellcast hip roof. It has patterned metal shingle roofing and sawn wooden brackets supporting the deep eaves. A small shed-roofed louvered dormer pierces the front slope of the roof. A three-sided bay projects from the center of the façade, with single one-over-one windows to either side. Two single and one double entrance are at the ends of the façade. The building has lost integrity of location, setting, feeling, and association. Integrity of design, materials, and craftsmanship are intact. Listed in the National Register May 27, 1983.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property. In addition, the Historic Resources of Batesburg-Leesville includes historical background information for this and other related National Register properties.

Most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. The privacy of owners should be respected. Not all properties retain the same integrity as when originally documented and listed in the National Register due to changes and modifications over time.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.