South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Adamson Mounds Site, Kershaw County (Address Restricted)
S1081772800301 S1081772800302 S1081772800303
Mound "A" Mound "B" Mound "B" from
Mound "A"

This is a prehistoric Indian village site containing one large temple mound, a smaller mound, possibly a third still smaller mound, and a burial area. It apparently served as a ceremonial center. It is one of a series of sites of outstanding significance that extends through Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The large mound is oval in plan, about 35 feet high; its base is about 150’ x 200’; its flat summit is 100’ x 65’. The second mound is adjacent to a recently created pond. It is circular in shape, about 75 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. It is said that a third mound was once present but there seem to be little evidence of it now. Fourteen burials are known to have been excavated from the site in an area southeast of the large temple mound. These are flexed adult interments in rectangular pits and infant urn burials. This site represents a widespread, late prehistoric Indian culture known by the names of Lamar, Irene, or Pee Dee and dates probably between AD 1400 and AD 1700. Listed in the National Register July 16, 1970.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.