South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Florence Downtown Historic District, Florence County
S1081772102301 S1081772102302 S1081772102303 S1081772102304 S1081772102305
163 N. Dargan St. 155 N. Dargan St. 137 N. Dargan St. 135 N. Dargan St. 127 W. Evans St.
S1081772102306 S1081772102307 S1081772102308 S1081772102309 S1081772102310
121 W. Evans St. 117 W. Evans St. 119 N. Dargan St. 101 W. Evans St. 110 W. Evans St.
S1081772102311 S1081772102312 S1081772102313 S1081772102314 S1081772102315
104-120 W. Evans St.
Dargan St. Facade
104-120 W. Evans St.
Evans St. Facade
113 S. Dargan St. 123 S. Dargan St. 129 S. Dargan St.
S1081772102316 S1081772102317 S1081772102318 S1081772102319 S1081772102320
135 S. Dargan St. 116-118 N. Dargan St. 126 N. Dargan St. 130 N. Dargan St. 142 N. Dargan St.
S1081772102321 S1081772102322      
158 N. Dargan St. 164-166 N. Dargan St.

The Florence Downtown Historic District is significant for its association with Florence’s commercial development since the city’s founding, as well as for its examples of commercial architecture dating from the period ca. 1890-ca. 1940. The district reflects the city’s growth as the nucleus of a successful regional railroad network and as a thriving commercial center for the entire Pee Dee region. The Florence Downtown Historic District is a collection of thirty commercial buildings, of which twenty-four are contributing buildings and six are non-contributing buildings. This area contains the majority of the late nineteenth to early twentieth century architecture remaining in the city. Most buildings are two-story brick buildings with embellished cornices. Many are characterized by flat rooflines, decorative brick moldings, and vertical pilasters. While all the properties have been modified to include modern storefronts, the upper facades are largely intact and retain their integrity. These contributing resources are from a time during which Florence enjoyed tremendous growth and prosperity and reflect the development of the city from ca. 1890 to ca. 1940. Listed in the National Register July 2, 2008.

View a map showing the boundaries of the Florence Downtown Historic District.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property.

Most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. The privacy of owners should be respected. Not all properties retain the same integrity as when originally documented and listed in the National Register due to changes and modifications over time.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.