South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Nelson Hudson House, Darlington County (521 Pearl St., Darlington)

(Hudson-Law-Dargan-Wilson House) The Nelson Hudson House, constructed ca. 1830, is significant as one of the few relatively intact antebellum residences remaining in city of Darlington. The house is an excellent local example of a Greek Revival cottage. Its impressive proportions and finely executed mouldings reflect a command of classical motifs on the part of the builder. Little documentation exists on the early history of the house. According to local tradition Nelson Hudson was a carriage maker who came to Darlington from Marion District and built the house in 1830. He died shortly after and his widow and two small sons moved. The gable roof of this one and one-half story frame, weatherboarded house features a boxed cornice with wide fascia and full returns. The front pedimented portico has flush boards and a peaked casement window in the pediment, four square paneled columns freestanding from the porch, and plain balustrade with corner posts. The two-story rear wing was added by Dr. Theodore A. Dargan around 1854. In the back yard is the original clapboard kitchen. Listed in the National Register February 10, 1988. It has since been moved.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property. In addition, the Historic Resources of the City of Darlington, ca. 1830-ca. 1935 includes historical background information for this and other related National Register properties.

Most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. The privacy of owners should be respected. Not all properties retain the same integrity as when originally documented and listed in the National Register due to changes and modifications over time.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.