South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Hutchinson House, Charleston County (Point of Pines Rd., Edisto Island)
S1081771015101 S1081771015102 S1081771015103 S1081771015104 S1081771015105
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The Hutchinson House is the oldest identified house on Edisto Island associated with the black community after the Civil War. It was the residence of Henry Hutchinson, a mulatto who, according to a local tradition, built and operated the first cotton gin owned by a black on the island from ca. 1900 to ca. 1920. Hutchinson was born a slave in 1860, and was the son of James Hutchinson, a mulatto who made notable attempts both as a slave and as a freedman to improve conditions for blacks on Edisto Island. Henry Hutchinson is said to have built the house at the time of his marriage to Rosa Swinton in 1885, and resided here until his death in ca. 1940. The house is a rectangular, one-and-one half story residence featuring a side gable roof with bargeboards and three gabled dormers on the front slope of the roof. The weatherboard clad house rests on a raised, brick pier foundation and has shed and gable-roofed additions at the west and north elevations. The pedimented front porch dates from a later period. Listed in the National Register May 5, 1987.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property. In addition, the Historic Resources of Edisto Island, ca. 1682 - ca. 1898 includes historical background information for this and other related National Register properties.

Most National Register properties are privately owned and are not open to the public. The privacy of owners should be respected. Not all properties retain the same integrity as when originally documented and listed in the National Register due to changes and modifications over time.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.