South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston County (off U.S. Hwy. 52, Charleston vicinity)
S1081771010116 S1081771010117 S1081771010118 S1081771010119 S1081771010120
and Urn
Marsh Crypt Mausoleum Row McDowall and
Wragg Mausoleum
Wilkes Mausoleum
S1081771010121 S1081771010122 S1081771010123 S1081771010124 S1081771010125
J. S. Riggs Plot Robert W.
Baby White
David Jennings
Heyward Monument
S1081771010126 S1081771010127 S1081771010128 S1081771010129 S1081771010130
E. C. Jones
Plot Gate
Joseph Ricardo
Tucker Monument
Rhett Plot Gate Cast Iron Gate

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Magnolia Cemetery, a large public cemetery, covers approximately 92 acres and contains the graves of numerous prominent South Carolinians. Established in 1850, Magnolia is extensively landscaped with winding drives and paths interspersed with small ponds and a lake, and contains excellent examples of late 19th century cemetery architecture and sculpture. The original design included a chapel, formal garden, keeper’s house, and receiving room. Of the original cemetery structures, the Receiving Tomb remains, plus a ca. 1805 structure (now the superintendent’s office), three 1890s structures, five mausoleums, and many impressive examples of cemetery art and architecture. Also remaining are excellent examples of iron work, of the late 19th century and remnants of the original landscape patterns. Magnolia enjoyed prominence during the mid and late 19th century, a time when it was also a popular spot for picnicking during the Victorian era. The cemetery is an excellent reflection of the arts, tastes, and social mores of the 19th century. Listed in the National Register March 24, 1978.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.