South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Jonathan Lucas House, Charleston County (286 Calhoun St., Charleston)
S1081771010001 S1081771010002 S1081771010003 S1081771010004 S1081771010005
Facade Right Oblique Rear Elevation Right Rear
Left Rear
S1081771010006 S1081771010007 S1081771010008 S1081771010009  
Left Elevation Left Oblique Main Entrance Front Stair

The Jonathan Lucas House, built between 1803 and 1809, is an excellent example of the Adamesque style of architecture. Particularly notable are the fine entrance doorway and the winding staircase, woodwork and plaster work of the interior. The builder was a member of a prominent lowcountry family of mill builders and rice planters, and initiated technical advancements in rice milling which helped establish it as a major industry in America and Europe. As well as being the main family residence, the house served as headquarters for a complex of rice and lumber mills which Jonathan Lucas, Jr. and his family operated on the present grounds of Roper Hospital. The three-story house is five bays wide and four bays deep with a low hip roof concealed by a parapet. All construction is of brick and stuccoed. The main portion of the house has a heavy cornice with foliated modillions and a frieze with dentils. Front façade is dominated by three tiers of piazzas, with fluted Doric columns on the basement and first levels and fluted Ionic columns on the second level; balustrades with urn-shaped balusters on the first and second levels, and cornices with dentils on the first and second levels. A double flight of marble steps, with iron railings and a rusticated masonry base, ascends to the first piazza level. The entrance has an elaborate door surround with elliptical fanlight, sidelights, and rich Adamesque ornamentation. Listed in the National Register February 23, 1978.

View the complete text of the nomination form for this National Register property.

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Images provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.