South Carolina Department of Archives and History
National Register Properties in South Carolina

Young Place, Abbeville County (S.C Hwy. 185, Due West )
S1081770100501 S1081770100502 S1081770100503 S1081770100504 S1081770100505
Facade Right Oblique Main Entrance Right Elevation Rear Elevation
S1081770100506 S1081770100507 S1081770100508    
Left Elevation Chimney Detail Fence Line

(Goshen) The Young Place is a large clapboard structure with Italianate detail superimposed on an earlier, simple farmhouse with a central hall plan. The original one-story Georgian derived dwelling was constructed ca. 1839 by the Reverend J.N. Young. The farmhouse was remodeled after the War Between the States into a large two-storied structure in the Tuscan (Italian Villa) style. The forward projection has a cross gable roof with tiered verandas contained within the gable. A square tower with bracketed hipped roof adjoins the verandas on the right corner of the original house. Serving as a home and boarding house for Erskine College students, the dwelling’s present appearance can be attributed to the designs of Alexander Jackson Davis, proponent of the Italianate style that flourished in the United States until the 1860s. Almost all of Davis’ designs were published and widely exhibited and could possibly have been referred to by Young. One of the most outstanding features of the house is the basement, which was constructed of hewn granite blocks by a German stonemason. Reverend Young was also a religious leader and teacher. Young was one of the founders, the first treasurer, and a teacher of Erskine College, which is located in Due West, and was established in the 1830s by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Its purpose was to provide education and guidance for young men through the study of the Christian religion. Listed in the National Register October 9, 1974.

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